Just spoke to the boyf a few minutes ago. Sigh, he sounded SO TIRED! Every monday is like hell for him because he has to work from morning to evening and still has to attend class from 6.45pm to 10.15pm. 3.5hrs of lecture is seriously no joke man! And sigh he really sounded so so so tired just now. My heart ached.
Sometimes I really take my hat off to the boyf! He can actually tolerate one whole hectic day at work with just 3-4 hours of sleep the night before. I mean yes perhaps I could still keep myself awake at work with just 3-4hrs of sleep but I don't think my brain will be functioning well enough to even do my work properly! And to think that he has to stare at all the Balance Sheet, Income statements etc etc whole day long. That's why I said I'M SO UBER PROUD OF HIM when his seniors and managers are like praising him regarding his job performance at work! I have sucha smart and capable boyfriend, don't I? :)
I love him, I love him, yes I do, so very much. He came into my life unexpectedly, and never did I imagine that we'd even be together when I first saw him in office on my very first day of work 2 years ago. My friends (those who know him too) were shocked. Perhaps, just perhaps, they might have gossiped among one another and tried to guess if we could even last. I'm so glad, so very contented that we've come thus far and still going strong. We've done so many things together, the ups&downs we had, but I'm proud to say that we're still standing strong as one, has a joint bank account, and have plans to go overseas together again sometime this year etc etc. He's the only guy whom can make me feel so much at ease when I'm with him, he's the only one whom can make me be the REAL me when I'm with him. And fyi, we just crapped on the phone for 1hr8min from 3am-4am yesterday! It was like 95% of the call duration was nonsensical stuffs but at least I made him laugh! See, this is what I meant by WE CAN REALLY CLICK VERY WELL! Be it nonsense or serious matters, there's just an infinite amount of things we can talk and crap about. Hehhh. :D
I don't care if you readers think that this is some kind of PDA on my blog but let me say this again (friends, just tolerate with me okay cos there will be many more to come in my entries in the future.)