Met up with Shihui and Wanhsin! I realised how much I miss you Shihui! Sorry hsin, I know you might be disappointed upon seeing this but I'll be seeing you in school really soon! So give Shihui a chance alright hahaha!
So I took a bus down to Terminal 3 to meet Shihui after her shift at TCC. Wanhsin came slightly later at about 9 plus. Dinner was foc 'cause Shihui treated me though I told her not to. But anyway, thanks dear!
2 hours of incessant chit-chatting session was certainly not enough but all I could say is, I totally enjoyed myself in that short 2 hours,
really. They are one of the only few friends whom I'm still in contact with after we left our 1st 3 months jc. It's a miracle how Shihui and I got into contact again after 4 years! Basically, she was my tuition friend back then in primary school. Kinda lost contact during our secondary school days and then 4 years later, we met coincidentally in tpjc during the orientation campfire. Reminisce those times when we had so much fun together and when we could just pon lessons and wander around the school like nobody's business. Those were the times eh. And I've found an interesting fact about me, myself and jialin. That is, I could still continue being so hyper, crappy and loud though I was feeling a little lethargic just now. What a chatterbox I am. (:
Oh, and I'm so touched by what Shihui text-ed me just a few minutes ago.
"I've never said this before, but we may not be meeting everyday or as often, but you never stopped being one of my bestest friend ever. Remember that!"
Heh, I was like awwww while reading that message. Love you girl! (: You guys made my day, thanks truckloads!
Shihui made this for me (:

Pizze banguette.

She was trying to hide behind the mug while I was surfing the net on Shihui's pretty RED Vaio.

Moments of nostalgia.